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We’re proud of our safety program and the excellent accident prevention results we’ve achieved, and we remain steadfastly dedicated to continuous safety program excellence at each and every project in the future.
Fitts & Goodwin Current EMR is .74 — The EMR (Experience Modification Rate), is a standard insurance industry rate used to determine company’s accident prevention results for last three of the previous four years. An EMR below 1.00 is indicative of excellent accident prevention results.
Fitts & Goodwin, a safety leader at the V.C. Summer Nuclear Plant construction project — Just to be allowed to work at the V.C. Summer Nuclear Plant construction project, each contractor must pass a rigorous safety program exam. Not only did Fitts & Goodwin pass that exam, but when working at the site, Fitts & Goodwin was continuously “scored” as the safest contractor among the many contractors constructing the V.C. Summer Nuclear Power Plant in 2010-2011.
Fitts & Goodwin Safety Program is directed by “Safety Bob” — Award winning safety professional “Safety Bob” Synnett has directed the Fitts & Goodwin safety program for over 12 years. Safety Bob has over 30 years’ experience, and his safety video/DVD program “Safety Bob’s Construction Safety Orientation” has been used to train thousands of construction workers on project sites all over the USA.
Fitts & Goodwin Supervisors: All OSHA Safety-Trained — Each Fitts & Goodwin supervisory employee has completed OSHA Certified Safety training.
Fitts & Goodwin Site Require Mandatory Safety Orientation Training — Among many other safety program directives, the Fitts & Goodwin safety program makes safety training a real emphasis at each of its projects, including mandatory safety orientation training for all employees and subcontractor workers on each project site.
Fitts & Goodwin, Inc. takes the health and safety of our employees very seriously. With the spread of the coronavirus or “COVID-19,” a respiratory disease and virus, the Company must remain vigilant in mitigating the outbreak.